"There's no certitude, only opportunities."

MTI Club
Mogalef Tools and Indicators Club
MTI Club's members can use all available Mogalef Indicators and Mogalef Tools for their trading. Integrate them into their own system often provides a key advantage to club members. But many of them have developed their trading system based on Mogalef indicators.
Note : all tools and indicators are for WHS FutureStation Nano only.
Available tools and indicators : clic each indicator to see details.
Intelligent scalping target
X Line Break Signal
X Line Break Filter
X Line Break Indicator
Become member :
Actual subscription for 1 months :
Monthly cotisation to MTI Clubs is €28. You only can become a member for one mounth, three months or one year with a degressive subcription.
For 2018-2019-2020 :
Subscription for twelve months: €252 (25% off )
Subscription for three months: €75 (10% off )
Subscription for one month : €28.
Subscription with no limit : €336