"There's no certitude, only opportunities."
Mogalef partners are brokers with very high security level, serious websites with technical analysis dédicated forums. Tools, indicators and mogalef systems are available exclusively from these partners.
Want to become partner?
Univers-Bourse, website dedicated to technical analysis of financial markets, is a longstanding partner of Mogalef working groups since 2001.
Trading School is the reference website for training and learning of technical analysis and stock market techniques. Webinars are broadcast regularly by experienced traders and the glossary is a reference.
Only in french for the moment.
WH Selfinvest
WH SELFINVEST S.A., set up in 1998, has a broker license (nr. 42798), a commissionaire license (nr. 36399) and a portfolio manager license (nr. 1806) granted by the Luxemburg Ministry of Finance. The company is supervised by the "Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier". WH SelfInvest benefits from a European Passport. Our registered branch office in Belgium has the authorization of the "Financial Services and Market Authority". Our information office in the Netherlands has the approval of the "Autoriteit Financiële Markten". Our registered branch office in France has the authorization of the "Autorité des Marchés Financiers" and the "Banque de France". And, our registered branch office in Germany has the authorization of the "Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht".